Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011 Welcome to our classroom

Hope you all stayed warm this week. Today is our second "freeze day".  I am sure the kids will have a lot to share tomorrow morning.  Looking forward to hearing my students news and tales.

The purpose of this site is to keep parents and students updated on happenings in our classroom.  The classroom wiki serves as a helpful homework site and  an extra credit project for motivated writers. 

The goal  for our classroom is to go paperless again. No more paper newsletters.   Recently, I attended a Web 2.0 discussion. I was reminded (yet again) of the importance of  web communication.  So here we go.  Hope we can all jump together.


  1. Thank you Sherry! Great to see you are a blogger too.

  2. I think it is a good idea to go paperless because it is saving the trees and it allows kids to get claassmates extra reading minutes.
